Brief Title
VYK 18/09/2008
VYK 01/03/2012
“Regulations for Benefitting from University Housing and Guest House Facilities”.
University housing refers to the flat/s, either owned or rented by the University, where Eastern Mediterranean University academic staff members reside.
Guest House refers to the house/flat where the guests of Eastern Mediterranean University reside for a temporary and/or a short period of time.
The aim of these principles is to specify the criteria and conditions for the academic staff members or guests who will reside in the university housing or guest houses under Eastern Mediterranean University’s possession.
University Housing Beneficiaries
Upon the request and justifications of the relevant Faculty or School, positive recommendation of the Rector’s Office and the approval of the Board of Trustees, academic staff members who have been found suitable to benefit from the Eastern Mediterranean University’s housing services are granted the right to reside in the University housing facilities.
Justified Applications
Applications for academic staff members to benefit from University housing services are submitted within the framework of the conditions specified below:
Having national or international recognition or reputation or,
the relevant academic staff member being unique or rare in the relevant field or,
having difficulties in recruiting academic staff members in the relevant field as the related subject has been newly introduced in the area of higher education,
the relevant academic staff member providing advantages for the recognition of the University or the country,
Academic staff members who do not possess the qualities specified in items (1), (2), (3) and (4) under Article 5 may also benefit from University Housing facilities upon the recommendation of the University Executive Board and the approval of the Board of Trustees.
Changing the University Housing Residence
Conditions for applications for changes in University housing residence are as follows:
Applications for a change by staff members who reside in one of the University housing facilities may take place on the condition that:
a) the applicant agrees to pay for the damages (e.g., maintenance, cleaning, missing furniture or kitchen appliances/utensils) and/or movement/transportation costs to be deducted from the relevant staff member’s salary in 4 equal installments, at most,
b) the relevant unit chair submits his/her positive recommendation on the relevant change,
c) the Rector’s Office approves the application.
If the property owner is not willing to rent the housing facility to Eastern Mediterranean University or if Eastern Mediterranean University is not willing to rent the relevant facility, item 1 above is not taken into consideration.
Item 1 above is not taken into consideration if the housing facility is not in a repairable or liveable condition.
Applications for changes in University housing residences should be submitted and approved before 1 August.
Staff members applying for changes in the University’s housing facilities agree to be present in their residences when the property is being vacated.
During a University housing residence change, the following conditions are applied for transportation procedures.
If the transportation is carried out by the University’s relevant unit, a document stating that the University is not responsible for any damages that may occur during the transportation is signed by the relevant staff member.
If the transportation is not carried out by the University’s related unit, the relevant person is responsible for the procedure.
University Housing Occupancy Period
The maximum period of occupancy for any academic staff member who has been granted the right to reside in University housing facilities with the approval of the Board of Trustees is 6 (six) years. Upon the recommendation of the Rector’s Office and the approval of the Board of Trustees, this period may be extended for special conditions for another period of three years, at most.
Residing in University’s Guest House
Individuals who are entitled to benefit from University Guest House services are as follows:
Following the submission of the relevant request and the approval of the Rector’s Office, individuals who have been invited to the University may benefit from University’s Guest House facilities on the condition that there is room for them,
Guests who will reside in the University guest house as charged are entitled to pay the amount specified annually upon the recommendation of the University Executive Board and the aproval of the Board of Trustees.
As specified in Article 5(5)(a) of the By-law for Staffing and Employment, for building and furniture maintenance and repair expenses, every month, an amount corresponding with 1/3 of the minimum wage is deducted from the salaries of the academic staff members who have been granted the right to reside in University’s housing facilities following the approval of the Board of Trustees,
Unpaid Leave
Staff members who are on unpaid leave may apply for continuing to reside in University’s housing facilities and should their request is approved by the Board of Trustees, they are required to submit a document of undertaking.
In line with this, the rent for University housing belonging to the period and/or year the relevant staff member is on unpaid leave and the fee specified in Article 9 of these regulations are both deposited into Eastern Mediterranean University’s bank account by the relevant staff member. The bank receipt of the relevant transaction is submitted to the Accounting Office Directorate. If the relevant document of undertaking has not been signed and/or the bank receipt has not been submitted to the Accounting Office Directorate, the request is declined and the relevant staff is required to vacate the University housing facility immediately.
Electricity, water and telephone bills belonging to the relevant University housing facility are also deposited into the bank account of the Eastern Mediterranean University by the relevant staff member.
Special Conditions
Any other special conditions than those specified in these provisions are subject to the recommendation of the Rector’s Office and the approval of the Board of Trustees.
Renting the University Housing which is not in Use
If there are any University housing residences that are not being used during the academic semester/year, academic staff members or research assistants may benefit from these services for a year subject to the approval of the Rector’s Office and by paying the amount of rent recommended by the Rector’s Office and approved by the Board of Trustees.
Temporary Provision
Starting from the date these regulations take effect, academic staff members wishing to benefit from University housing facilities may apply to the relevant academic unit head in writing within a period of one month.
If the academic unit is a department operating under a faculty, the department chair evaluates each application in accordance with the “Regulations for Benefitting from University Housing and Guest House Facilities” and submits it to the relevant dean’s office with his/her recommendations.
Deans/directors evaluate the applications and the recommendations of the department chairs, if any, in accordance with the “Regulations for Benefitting from University Housing and Guest House Facilities”. Applications which have been found suitable are submitted to the Rector’s Office with justifications for approval.
Applications with relevant justifications submitted by deans/directors are evaluated by the Rector’s Office and a proposal for those found suitable is prepared and submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.
The Board of Trustees evaluates the proposals and a new contract containing the right to reside in University’s housing facilities is prepared for the academic staff members who receive their approval.
Academic staff members who have received the approval of the Board of Trustees and who have signed the new contract gain the right to reside in University’s housing facilities.
Temporary Provision
Flats rented by the University for housing purposes and not approved by the Board of Trustees will be vacated until 1 September 2012. However, if the academic staff members currently residing in those flats wish to continue their residence, they may rent the property directly from the property owner or through Eastern Mediterranean University’s Off-Campus Residence Office. Furniture belonging to the University in such flats may be sold or rented to the academic staff member wishing to use the flat on the condition that conditions specified in Article 27(3) of the Inventory Regulations are met.
If the academic staff members residing in University housing facilities fail to meet the conditions specified in these regulations, they are required to vacate their flat of residence until 1 September 2012. However, if there is noone wishing to benefit from their residence, they may continue to benefit from the same housing facility under the conditions specified in Article 12.
Coming into Force
These regulations come into force following the date of their approval by the Board of Trustees.
Executive Power
These regulations are executed by the Eastern Mediterranean University Rector’s Office.